Recently, there are have been some people (I'm not pointing fingers) that have been voicing how, uh, disappointed they are in the fact that people are reselling their custom Blythes for inflated prices. Now, I can say that I haven't paid much attention to this, but I did read a rather long post on a website, and it seems that the general consensus among these people is that;
-It's unfair that people are buying customs and then selling them for higher prices
-Blythe should only be about having fun and being fair
- We should actively condemn re-sellers (In the MH community, we call them scalpers) and have an unspoken rule that it's 'wrong' to resell for higher prices, or some crap like that.
Honestly, I think this is a load of crap.
For those of you who don't know, morality (the concept of right and wrong) is completely relative from person to person. Morality cannot be tested and it is not factual. That said, I don't see how it's logical for one person (or a group of people) to condemn another person for doing something that does not directly affect someone.
I can understand why a customizer would feel like it's unfair that someone sold one of their customs, for more than they did themselves. I understand that. But, really, so what? Life isn't fair and it never will be. You want 2k for your doll? Fine, then sell it for that much. There is clearly a market for them. Actually, if I was a dolly-artist, I would be so flattered that my dolls are popular enough to go for that much money. That's not to say less popular customizers aren't great.
And for the people that think it's unfair that they can't have certain dolls or clothes because they cost a lot? Get over it. That seems insensitive, but really. Get over it. It's not the seller's fault that you can't afford something. It sucks that you can't have that doll. But I don't see how it's okay to say these 'scalpers' are bad people or why we should act like they are bad people. Again, morality is relative. It's illogical to force your morals on someone else. Yeah, it would be great if that seller agreed with your morals and would sell their dolls at lower prices. But that's not the way it is. They can do whatever the hell they want with their property.
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